Friday, July 31, 2020

BLACK FOREST ... Help a Writer Out!

All right, gang - it's down to the wire time.  Okay, not really; the wire is actually September 5th, but we're getting there.

So, backstory:  I've spent the summer hustling my first novel, Black Forest, which will be published by Inkshares (check out Kill Creek by Scott Thomas if you like haunted house horror) once I reach 750 pre-sales.  I'm at 658 as of tonight ... I'm so close, y'all!

I'm describing it as "Shirley Jackson meets Call Me By Your Name" - I think it will actually appeal to fans of Dark Shadows (of which, obvi, I am one) ... there's even a DS reference about halfway through.  There's ghosts, demons, and Gothic atmosphere galore.

Here are a few of the ads I've made over the summer to promote the book:

I'd really, really appreciate your help.  Ebooks are $10 (and count toward the final number) and paperbacks are $20.  Click here to order (and please feel free to share):

Okay, here's a picture of Barnabas Collins to tide you over:

Aw, what the heck ... here are a few other monsters for y'nerves:

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Series Season 7: Episode 2

Continuing with the "digest" version of the daily strips from this past spring and summer, now collected into single episodes that will be published every Sunday.  (If you're using a Mac or a PC, remember to open the color Sunday strips in a new tab so they're big enough for you to read the text!)  Enjoy!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: Episode One

Now that season 7 of our ongoing Dark Shadows based comic strip has concluded (returning spring 2021), I'll do what I did last year (and the year before) (and the year before that) (etc.) and present them weekly in a digest format, where you can enjoy seven daily strips as one entire "episode."

TIP:  For the color "Sunday" strips, right click so you can open them in a separate tab ... then you can enlarge them so you can actually read the word balloons.


(Season 8 may return a sktch earlier than normal ... it's significantly longer by several weeks than previous seasons ... so ... yay!)

Previously, on Dark Shadows  ...

And now ... Episode 1 of Season 7!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: Finale!

Will the demon Gerard destroy Collinwood?  Is Quentin helpless?  Where are Barnabas, Julia, and Angelique?  You'll find out in spring 2021 ... for now, starting tomorrow, I'll be running digest "episodes" every Sunday, collecting all the strips from Season 7 so you can catch up!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: The Ghost of Daphne Harridge!

  Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: The Warning!

  Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: I've Found You Again, Barnabas!

 Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: The Season 7 Finale Begins ...

Previously on Dark Shadows:  The Comic Strip Series:  Barnabas and Julia have returned from 1840 feeling secure in the knowledge that they have vanquished their foe, Gerard Stiles.  But Gerard has returned, though he is trapped between heaven and hell.  However, he has the help of the woman he loves, the mysterious Daphne Harridge ...

 Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!