Saturday, July 18, 2020

16 Magazine ... with Barnabas!


  1. I STILL remember it was August 1968, and my brothers ran home from the neighborhood store to tell me that 'Dark Shadows' was being featured on the cover of 'Afternoon TV', and it was a photograph of Barnabas on that cover. Well of course I ran down to the store with my 35 cents and bought every single Afternoon TV magazine that featured 'Dark Shadows' after that as well! Held onto those magazines for years, until we were flooded a few years back and I lost them all.

  2. Was just reading up on the wonderful Jonathan Frid -
    I always felt he was special, that his acting was above and beyond, and that no one else could ever have been Barnabas Collins or brought to the Dark Shadows show everything that Frid brought to it - was he so special and different because he was gay? I don't mean that in a negative sense - he seemed to be such a sensitive soul and a very deep actor with those soulful eyes and scholarly way of speaking. There will never be another Jonathan Frid!!

  3. I think that's a very definite possibility. Growing up when Frid did, and in that particular profession, as backward as it sounds now, hiding his secret undoubtedly contributed to his portrayal of Barnabas.
