Friday, July 31, 2020

BLACK FOREST ... Help a Writer Out!

All right, gang - it's down to the wire time.  Okay, not really; the wire is actually September 5th, but we're getting there.

So, backstory:  I've spent the summer hustling my first novel, Black Forest, which will be published by Inkshares (check out Kill Creek by Scott Thomas if you like haunted house horror) once I reach 750 pre-sales.  I'm at 658 as of tonight ... I'm so close, y'all!

I'm describing it as "Shirley Jackson meets Call Me By Your Name" - I think it will actually appeal to fans of Dark Shadows (of which, obvi, I am one) ... there's even a DS reference about halfway through.  There's ghosts, demons, and Gothic atmosphere galore.

Here are a few of the ads I've made over the summer to promote the book:

I'd really, really appreciate your help.  Ebooks are $10 (and count toward the final number) and paperbacks are $20.  Click here to order (and please feel free to share):

Okay, here's a picture of Barnabas Collins to tide you over:

Aw, what the heck ... here are a few other monsters for y'nerves:

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