Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Compleat Wardrobe of Angelique Collins (et al): 1968 (Part One ... the Cassandra Months)

Continuing our exploration of the fits and fashions of Angelique/Cassandra/Alexis/Valerie/Miranda Bouchard/Collins/Collins/DuVal/DuBois/Rumson/Stokes/Collins/Collins/DuVal.  Settle in to Angelique's incarnation in 1968, where she explored all the different shades of lime at her disposal:

Angelique reincorporates as Cassandra Blair, Roger's new wife, and instantly embraces several shades of green at once.

Without the cape.

The pink/peach negligee, good to wear while poisoning your new husband.

Pale purple, useful for torturing your ex.

Dark blue/black (blue?  black?), best for meeting your new niece who is, in theory at least, your age.  Little does she know.

Green coat #2, for those keeping track at home.  There must have been a sale at Brewster's.

Armless minis must have been so refreshing after all those binding servant dresses of the late 18th century.  Especially when discovering that your hated rival's doppelganger exists in your new timeline as well.

Green coat #3, perfect for tormenting your sister-in-law.

So many coats for such a warm spring/summer!

Ah yes, the butterfly peignoir ... not just lime green, but purple and orange ... and butterflies!  I feel like my mother had pillowcases much like these as a child.

Green and blue and black make you look gorgeous ...

...before you begin to decompose and cover yourself with your newest cape.

Red makes you feel powerful enough to ensorcel everyone on the great estate, including your husband and stepson.

More lime green minis brings out the crazy in your crazy eyes.

A nice subtle gray is good when you're having a stand-off with your arch nemesis.  Your most recent arch nemesis, that is.

The first of the red dresses in your arsenal ...

...but this one is more photogenic (see our post last winter about the Monster Rally photo shoot the 2nd Missus Collins took part in ...)

Basic gray won't clash with your faux-sibling's matching suit when he shows up semi-expectedly.

Gray also works when you're about to reach your triumph as a mass organizer of nightmares; it may also take the sting out of the slap administered by one of your former friends.

But donning the witchiest of all your robes may help you have the upper hand.

When your pink and green and orange butterfly peignoir isn't available, this one will have to do.

A blue suit with matching coat is best for summoning the dead back from their graves.

Your evil (fake) brother's arrival will sometimes cause you to go for more subued attire ...

You can remove the jacket to reveal another totally to die for armless mini ...

...perfect for when you literally go armless.

When you know you're about to go out, you make sure your hair is big (the higher the hair, the closer to ... um, never mind) and you're wearing the absolute witchiest of all your witchy robes.  The better to hide your clay voodoo doll in the sleeves.

And finally, when you're dying (again), you don a giant black cape, because by embracing the stereotype, you are undermining it.  Samantha Stephens would approve.

NEXT:  Angelique the Vampire!

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