Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Compleat Wardrobe of Angelique Collins (et al): 1968 (Part Two ... the Vampire Experience)

 Continuing our look at the fabulous fashions of Angelique (insert myriad surnames) Collins, etc.  After spending many months as the glamorous Cassandra, rarely repeating an outfit, it must have been a real downer to spend the rest of 1968 as a vampire with basically three pieces of wardrobe.

Angelique rises from the dead at Nicholas' command as a vampire, in a dress similar (though not identical) to the dress she died in as Cassandra:

(...though Cassandra did steal that from her future/past rival ...)

...Mrs. Laura Collins.

Commanded by Nicholas to appear as Angelique classic, with that familiar rusty-gold spell-casting, appear as a ghost and haunt everyone empire-waisted dress with matching cape.  Vicki doesn't notice that her hair isn't super period.

One of Angelique's strangest vampire dresses, the most un-Cassandra-like possible.

Here's a better look at the skirt.

The flowing white number that she ends up spending most of her time floating about the estate wearing, made famous from this shot:

... and this one:

And this one :

Very Hammer-esque.

And ... that's it.  Three dresses.  Vampire Angelique gets three dresses.  Actually, she doesn't fare much better in 1897 ...

UP NEXT:  Speaking of ... 1897!

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