Sunday, January 8, 2012

Leviathan: Episode 978, Angelique, Nicholas, Barnabas, and Quentin

Episode 978
Writer:  Sam Hall
Director:  Lela Swift
Air Date:  3/25/70

Angelique sits delicately on a couch at Nicholas’s cottage.

NICHOLAS:  How charming you look, Angelique.  Black suits you well.

 ANGELIQUE:  It seemed only appropriate.  You are in mourning, aren’t you?

NICHOLAS (sneering):  For Bruno?

ANGELIQUE:  And Megan, and Philip, and all the others.

NICHOLAS:  I might have known I could count on you for condolences.

 ANGELIQUE:  Isn’t your master going to be a bit disappointed when he learns that your plan has collapsed?

NICHOLAS:  As long as I have one follower, my plan is not totally collapsed.  And I still have one.  Completely loyal.  Your husband.  (Her face tightens.)  Now you must remember, Angelique, that I am always at my best when pressed.

ANGELIQUE (furiously):  I’ll be fascinated to see what you come up with.

NICHOLAS:  Naturally I’ve had to do a lot of rethinking.  Regrouping my plan, deciding what I’m going to do first … and I’ve never even thanked you for your help!

ANGELIQUE:  My help?

NICHOLAS:  Why yes!  It was quite unexpected, but it was most welcome.  I must admit, I had a certain fondness for Jeb, but obviously I had to get rid of him.  (Chuckles)  I must say, the shadow was a stroke of genius!  I wish I’d thought of it myself.  It was most helpful.

ANGELIQUE:  Is it indeed!

NICHOLAS:  You always did know the most perfect revenge, even as far back as Barnabas Collins.  (She stiffens.)  You don’t mind my mentioning him?’

ANGELIQUE (with forced serenity):  Why should I?

NICHOLAS:  Women always establish a certain pattern.  You established yours with Barnabas.

ANGELIQUE:  If women follow patterns, then so do men.  Even so do you.  Aren’t you about to be recommitted to the Underworld until you think up some new monstrous scheme to amuse your master?

NICHOLAS (hissing):  Well at least this time you will not be able to go and tell him that I have failed.  You have become human.  You are not in good standing yourself, you know.

ANGELIQUE:  Nothing’s changed.  I have all my powers back, and I’m using them well.  The shadow should prove that.

 NICHOLAS:  Yes … you are right back where you were two hundred years ago:  loving Barnabas Collins.  (She whirls, glaring at him.)  Nothing ever changes for you, does it Angelique.  Oh, I see I’ve touched you.  I can see that old familiar hatred in your eyes.  I certainly appreciate your condolences, my dear, but I am not finished yet.  So save your tears for someone who needs them far more than I.


 Later, Barnabas and Quentin summon Angelique to the Old House, where Barnabas proposes that she help save Jeb Hawkes.

ANGELIQUE:  Help Carolyn?  Well at least you’re not asking for yourself, Barnabas.  That is a surprise.  Why should I help Carolyn?

 BARNABAS:  You liked her when she came to Little Windward Island.

ANGELIQUE:  I liked her, yes.  But why should she have love –

QUENTIN: — when you don’t?

BARNABAS:  Jeb is not responsible for Sky Rumson.

ANGELIQUE:  Then who is?

BARNABAS:  Nicholas Blair, because he must have been the one who sat in the depths of hell and planned all this.  You know, you owe an apology to Jeb.


BARNABAS:  He’s the one who told you about your husband. You may never have known the truth.  It would’ve been too late.

 ANGELIQUE (after a beat):  I will see Jeb Hawkes.

 BARNABAS:  Help him!

ANGELIQUE:  I will see him.  Here … and alone.  What happens depends on him.  Bring him here.

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