Sunday, January 8, 2012

Leviathan: Episode 974, Angelique vs. Sky and Jeb

Episode 974
Writer:  Gordon Russell
Director:  Henry Kaplan
Air Date:  3/19/70

Sky Rumson, once a powerful business magnate, is now nothing but a puppet of Nicholas Blair's, as the warlock tries to rebuild after Jeb Hawkes destroyed the cairn, ruining the Leviathans' chances of ruling the world.  Now Sky has been instructed to watch Sabrina Stuart because she knows the identity of the werewolf who could destroy Jeb.  As Sky leaves Sabrina alone in the back room, he is met with an unpleasant surprise.

SKY:  Gods!  Angelique!

ANGELIQUE:  From tycoon to lackey.  My, how the mighty are fallen.

SKY:  Angelique, what are you doing here?

ANGELIQUE:  I came so see you, Sky.

SKY:  How did you find me?

ANGELIQUE:  I've been keeping a very close watch on your activities.  Tell me, how does it feel to be a has-been?

SKY:  What are you talking about?

ANGELIQUE:  That's what you are, you know.

SKY:  I said, what are you talking about?

ANGELIQUE:  Every one of your business ventures is a disaster and there's nothing you can do about it, because all you are now is Nicholas Blair's slave.

SKY:  That's not true!  I'm very important to him.

ANGELIQUE (laughing):  Oh, don't be absurd.  Consider right now what you're doing, what he has you doing.  Keeping guard over a helpless young girl.  You're not important to Nicholas.  He doesn't care anything about you!

SKY:  That's not true.

ANGELIQUE:  What does Nicholas have planned for that girl anyway?  Or hasn't he consulted you?

SKY:  Angelique, shut up!

ANGELIQUE: What's the matter, Sky?  Am I making you unhappy?

SKY:  Get off my back!

ANGELIQUE:  Oh, you've become quite thin-skinned in your declining days, haven't you.  Shall I tell you how it's all going to end?  Nicholas is going to find some ingenious way of doing himself in.  He always does.  And then you're going to be alone ... all alone, with no one to turn to.  And then someone is going to put you out of your misery.  Who knows?  It may even be me.  (Laughs)  I'd better not keep you any logner.  I know have an important job to do.  

She exits, smirking, as he watches her, furiously.  Meanwhile, Jeb is at Collinwood, huddling in the drawing room in the dark.  He is terrified because the shadow curse Angelique laid upon him will kill him the moment he allows any light into the room.

ANGELIQUE:  You can't hide from it, Jeb ... no matter how hard you try.

JEB:  Who?  Who is it?  Where are you?

(A green witchlight flares up in the corner of the room, revealing Angelique.)

ANGELIQUE:  You kept imploring me to appear, so here I am.

JEB:  Angelique!

ANGELIQUE:  Turn on the lights, Jeb.

JEB:  N-no!  I ... I don't want to --

ANGELIQUE:  It's perfectly safe.  As long as I'm here, the shadow won't appear.  (He raises the lights.)  You said you wanted to talk to me?

JEB:  Angelique, you've got to take this thing off me!  Please, Angelique!

ANGELIQUE:  Can you think of any good reason why I should?

JEB:  Look, I'm a changed man!  Really!  I'm married to Carolyn now.  I love her very much.

ANGELIQUE:  I loved Sky Rumson ... very much.

JEB:  I wasn't responsible for that!  I never even knew him!  I had nothing to do with that, don't you understand?

ANGELIQUE:  What I understand is that this whole so-called conspiracy revolved around you.  Therefore I do hold you responsible.  But not only you.  I intend to settle Nicholas when I'm through with you.

JEB:  Don't you have any feelings at all?

ANGELIQUE:  I had them once ... and they all died when I found out the truth about Sky.

JEB:  All right, if you won't do anything for my sake, please think of Carolyn.

ANGELIQUE:  I've thought of Carolyn ... a lot.  I identify with Carolyn.  I'm sorry she's going to be unhappy.  I know how that feels.  (Sighs)  But you haven't got much longer to wait.  In a short time the shadow will be full grown, and that will be the end of you.  I'll be there to witness it, Jeb.  I wouldn't want to miss it.  
(She dematerializes.)

JEB:  Angelique?  Angelique!  You won't be there because nothing is going to happen!  I'm gonna find a way to beat it!  Do you hear me?

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