Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 12: Quentin Has the Dream!

 Previously on Dark Shadows: The Comic Strip Series: Angelique and Quentin were married. But Quentin learned that his blushing bride had conspired with Nicholas Blair to turn Quentin's nephew Chris into a werewolf. Quentin lashed out, claiming he wanted to never see Angelique again. She fled to a parallel universe in a desperate attempt to win Quentin back ... and she died there. But Quentin refused to let her go, and accidentally summoned the Angelique of 1795, only moments after she had cursed Barnabas with vampirism. Rabid with vengeance at the thought of Barnabas marrying Julia Hoffman, Angelique began a wicked Dream Curse ... and now the curse must continue ...


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