Sunday, March 24, 2024

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 12: Where Is Angelique REALLY?

Previously on Dark Shadows: The Comic Strip Series: Strap yourselves in, kiddies, it's about to get COMPLEX:

After Quentin and Angelique were married, he discovered she had betrayed him with Nicholas Blair and Aristede, her warlock brother. He abandoned her, leaving her to seek solace in the mysterious and disturbing world of Parallel Time. Barnabas Collins followed her there, and witnessed her murder and disintegration at the hands of Hoffman, that world's evil vampire. When Barnabas returned to his own world, he realized he loved his Julia, and proposed to her.

Meanwhile, Quentin, deeply regretful of the way he treated Angelique, and with the help of psychic Carolyn Stoddard, attempts to summon Angelique back from the hell of Parallel Time.

Unfortunately, Victoria Winters has been time-hopping on her own, and, after one of her latest sojourns to 1795, she accidentally brought to 1969 the vengeful Angelique of the 18th century as well as the trickster spirit of Nathan Forbes. While 1795 Angelique prepares to make her presence known to her wayward husband, Barnabas, the wicked ghost of Nathan has been eyeing happy couple Chris and Joe Jennings-Haskell with a great deal of interest ...


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