Sunday, January 7, 2024

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 11: Episode Nineteen ... the Season 11 Finale!

 Previously on Dark Shadows: The Comic Strip Series: Everyone is a vampire. Seriously, we've got more nosferatu up in here than in the finale of House of Dark Shadows! Barnabas and Angelique entered the mysterious (and disturbing) world of Parallel Time so that Angelique could regain the love of Quentin, and so that Barnabas could prevent her from doing damage to any other branches of the Collins family. But Angelique was murdered by the vampire Hoffman and turned to dust, leaving Barnabas to seek another way to return to his own time and world ...

 bum Bum BUM

Stay tuned, kiddies, for Season 12 of Dark Shadows: The Comic Strip Series, coming this summer!

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