Sunday, November 6, 2022

Dark Shadows the Comic Strip Series Season 10 Episode 1


Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 9: Episode One

Now that season 10 of our ongoing Dark Shadows based comic strip has concluded (returning summer 2023!), I'll do what I did last year (and the year before) (and the year before that) (etc.) and present them weekly in a digest format, where you can enjoy seven daily strips as one entire "episode." (I believe they used to call these "reruns.")

TIP:  For the color "Sunday" strips, right click so you can open them in a separate tab ... then you can enlarge them so you can actually read the word balloons.


Previously, on Dark Shadows (or, the finale of Season 9) ... a warlock's exorcism of Collinwood erased all of its monsters and restored normality to the great estate ... or whatever passes for normality in Collinsport. But the witch Angelique and her paramour Quentin Collins were determined to restore the world as they knew it. They failed. But Angelique, in her fervor, summoned Hecate, the witch-goddess, who has appeared in Collinsport under the guise of Megan Todd, running a seemingly harmless antique shop ...

 And now ... Season 10, episode 1!

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