Sunday, September 12, 2021

Dark Shadows: The Comic Strip Series, Season 8: Episode Twenty-One ... Season Finale! And ... Season 9 Premiere!

Well, friends, we made it through another rerun season -- all 21 episodes of Season 8 of the Dark Shadows Comic Strip Series!  But don't go anywhere, because, as a special treat, we're jumping immediately into Season 9!  A new strip every day, with beautiful color episodes on Sundays!  Like today's!

Keep reading to explore the mysteries of Collinwood: Will Julia survive her tangle with the long-term resident of the Collins Mausoleum? Will Quentin find his way back to 1969? Why has Angelique summoned the witch-goddess Hecate?  And what has Laura Collins planned for her precious little boy?

Stay tuned ... to quote our friend the Narrator of the 1966 Batman series ... the worst has yet to come!

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