Friday, June 18, 2021

Happy 10th Anniversary to SHADOWS ON THE WALL!

Somehow I've been building this blog, celebrating my beloved Dark Shadows in all its forms and manifestations, for ten years as of today!  Its origin was fairly simple: I had amassed a ton of DS-related junk, including fanzines, books, and rare photos, all languishing away in tubs in my parents' musty garage. Earlier that summer my future husband patiently helped me go through some of the tubs, resulting in the rescue of many Shadows artifacts. I put my scanner to good use, and the first post celebrated the family trees from 1795, 1897, and 1968, as featured in one of the myriad teen magazines that enjoyed - and bolstered - the show's success.

Enjoy some of these photos, many that you might not have seen before. And thank you for your support - I appreciate everyone who visits here!

 Here's to another ten years!



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