Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Happy 30th Anniversary, Dark Shadows Revival!

 AKA the 1991 Series.

One of my gateway drugs into the Dark Shadows universe, and I was SO EXCITED (I can vividly remember the NBC Movie of the Week logo scrolling across the screen, and that music!) ... my mom allowed me to tape every episode, and then I watched them faithfully, over and over again. Those, coupled with my recordings from TBS of House and Night of Dark Shadows, the Best of Dark Shadows VHS I'd borrow from my friend's mom AND her two Paperback Library books, were my only window into the world of DS.  I realize that 91 series has lots (and lots) of problems -- and if you ever try to watch the DVDs, you'll notice that they lost the "day for night" effect, for some reason, so it looks like Barnabas is running around and snarling at his victims mid-afternoon -- but I love it.

Thirty years ... how the hell did that happen?  Part of what freaks me out is the fact that, when the 91 series debuted, it was only 20 years after the original went of the air, and 25 since its debut.  

Anyway, happy anniversary, Dark Shadows 1991 --  I love ya!

And then, this cover for a never-released issue of Innovation's defunct '91 comic adaptation, and one which I would KILL to have been able to enjoy!  Cassandra Laura!!!  CASSANDRA LAURA!!!

1 comment:

  1. DS91 had the best cliffhanger EVER!!! Would love to see it fully "restored" someday.
