Thursday, August 6, 2020

Year One!

Just finished watching the first 209 episodes of Dark Shadows this afternoon ... um ... some of them were interesting!  I have to say, I did appreciate more of a focus on character development and less on special effects; Mitch Ryan is awesome; Victoria Winters is terrible.  Everything about her makes me want to push her off Widow's Hill.

And the Laura storyline still packs a wallop.  When Roger admits that he didn't know who she was, but that she wasn't Laura ... brrrrrr.

1 comment:

  1. You're so right - Mitch Ryan WAS great! Alexandra Moltke was rather wooden, but she was supposed to be very innocent (and in those days, that was REALLY innocent!). Kathryn Leigh Scott was wonderful, Grayson Hall outstanding as was John Karlen, Joan Bennett a true shining star, Nancy Barrett acted like the spoiled brat she was playing, and that Dr. Woodard was one of the best actors around.
