Thursday, June 11, 2020

The End of Dark Shadows

So today, after three months of quarantine, I finished Dark Shadows.  I've seen my favorite storylines numerous times, but I've never actually finished Summer of 1970, every episode of 1840, or 1841 Parallel Time at all.  When quarantine started, I was up to around 800.  I had started with the Barnabas episodes last summer, and because I had just watched 1795, once I reached it in the late fall, I skipped directly to Vicki's return to 1968, and kept going from there.  So it was quite an experience ... and tomorrow I'll do what I've never done, and start with episode 1 ... and go from there.  (We'll see if I can do all of 1970 PT, 1840, and 1841 PT again ... odds are not in my favor.)

To celebrate, here are some shots from 1841 Parallel Time.  I really enjoyed it; probably because, after the insanity of the last year, 1841 felt nice and focused and contained.  (Though I did miss Angelique.)

1 comment:

  1. I've been watching Dark Shadows all over again, on - such an eye-opening pleasure to watch all the great acting and imaginative story lines, the writers had to be geniuses to come up with all these plots day after day! The actors were just top of the line as well - and those great sets, Collinwood and the Old House, as well as the scary mausoleum, it just doesn't get any better. No wonder nothing has come along in all these years to top the original Dark Shadows!!
