Sunday, June 14, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: The Coven Convenes!

Previously on Dark Shadows:  The Comic Strip Series:  Gerard Stiles, demon prince of hell, has wreaked quite a bit of havoc at the Collinwood of 1840 (and through his demonic powers, reached out to wreak even more havoc for Lady Kitty Hampshire in 1897).  He has murdered Flora Collins, queen of the Collinsport coven and devotee of Diabolos; he has tormented Angelique by showing her that his powers are greater than her own; and he has turned Barnabas' beloved Roxanne into a vampire.  But Barnabas, Julia, and Angelique aren't taking any of Gerard's hijinks sitting down.  Angelique has convened a coven of her own:  Nicholas Blair, her old enemy and mentor; Aristede, her beloved brother and Nicholas' lover; Leticia Faye, psychic; and a host of others ...

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

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