Sunday, June 28, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: All Wrapped Up ...?

Previously on Dark Shadows:  The Comic Strip Series:  Barnabas, Julia, and Angelique have spent several turbulent months trapped in the year 1840, at war with Gerard Stiles, the demon prince of hell.  But Gerard hasn't been banished enough by Angelique's spells, and, on this night, he has sent deranged Lamar Trask to destroy her.  Though she survived the bullet, Trask also set her on fire ... and Barnabas did nothing to stop his ex-wife's immolation ...

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

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