Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monday, June 29, 2020

1795: The Whole Story!

...in images!  I didn't make this; I found it online ten years ago or so.  But it's pretty cool -- one screen capture from each episode of the 1795 story.

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: All Wrapped Up ...?

Previously on Dark Shadows:  The Comic Strip Series:  Barnabas, Julia, and Angelique have spent several turbulent months trapped in the year 1840, at war with Gerard Stiles, the demon prince of hell.  But Gerard hasn't been banished enough by Angelique's spells, and, on this night, he has sent deranged Lamar Trask to destroy her.  Though she survived the bullet, Trask also set her on fire ... and Barnabas did nothing to stop his ex-wife's immolation ...

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Saturday, June 27, 2020


On this day, 54 years ago, Our Favorite Show debuted.


Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: Voices from the Future!

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Lara the Vampire Meets Johnny Carson

I posted this awhile ago, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to share it again ... if you've read Lara Parker's chapter in the indispensable Dark Shadows Companion, you'll know that she zapped, in the parlance of the DS writers, Johnny Carson on national TV.  I purchased this photo at a Fest several years ago and rediscovered it last winter:  Lara with her Angelique fangs putting the bite on America's most beloved nighttime TV talk show host! 

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: I'll Kill You, Trask!

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: I Let Her Burn ...

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

House of Dark Shadows: Todd Jennings

Ah, Don Briscoe, all gussied up in 18th century drag.  Who would he have played in the 1795 flashback?  I'd like to think a down-low boyfriend for Nathan Forbes, or whatever the equivalent of "down-low" is for the 18th century navel set. 

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: Don't Let Me Burn, Barnabas!

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: The Fire!

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Collinwood Revisited

I remember this being advertised in the back of The World of Dark Shadows issues when I was a kid into DS for the first time. 

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: Burn, Witch!

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: Die, Witch ... Die!

Previously on Dark Shadows:  The Comic Strip Series:  Barnabas, Julia, and Angelique, with the help of Leticia Faye, Nicholas Blair, and Angelique's warlock brother, Aristede, have banished Gerard Stiles, demon prince of hell ... or have they?  The ghost of Gerard has appeared to Lamar Trask and encouraged him to invade Collinwood with a gun ... which he has just aimed at Angelique ...

Dark Shadows fans might enjoy my new novel, Black Forest, which I'm attempting to publish through Inkshares.  Ghosts, witchcraft, walking dead people, and lots of Gothic atmosphere!  Please click here to read excerpts from the novel and to pre-order!

Saturday, June 20, 2020