Sunday, May 3, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: Aren't You Going to Welcome Me Home?

Previously on Dark Shadows:  The Comic Strip Series:  Count Petofi was the cause of the problem.  He burned up Miranda DuVal in 1693, he murdered Quentin in 1897, and he possessed Angelique's beloved baby brother Aristede, killing him in the process.  So, naturally, Barnabas, Angelique, and Quentin did what any self respecting Collins would do:  they I Ching-ed their way back to 1897 to change history, hoping to destroy Petofi in the process. 

But Barnabas, being Barnabas,earned the ire of Laura Collins, the dreaded Phoenix of the Ages.  Imbued with Petofi's power, Laura zapped Barnabas good, sending him back to 1840.  Fortunately, his good friend Dr. Julia Hoffman joined him there.

In that time, Flora Collins is the mistress of Collinwood.  Quentin, Flora's son, is dead.  His widow, Samantha, trusts no one in the house, and fears for the life of her son, Tad.  And with good reason:  Gerard Stiles, a demon from hell, is under the control of warlock Nicholas Blair and Quentin's mistress, Daphne Harridge.  They have succeeded in bringing Quentin back from hell ... by sacrificing Samantha.

On this night, Samantha's sister, the determined Roxanne Drew, has summoned her friend, Leticia Faye, possessed of psychic gifts, and begged Leticia to use those gifts to find her sister, unaware that she is already dead ...

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