Sunday, March 15, 2020

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 7: Season Premiere!

Somehow I've been making and publishing my own adaptation of Dark Shadows via the medium of comic stripness since 2014 ...  but I continue to have a rip roaring time, which I hope means you are as well. I've also strayed fairly far from the continuity as we know it; that's okay (I promise) ... the characters as I present them and move them around in a variety of story arcs are pretty much as they appeared on ABC-TV back in the (fifty-plus years ago) day.

If you want to catch up, you can click on the "comic strip" link; to facilitate your understanding more immediately than that, here's a wee summary and the season finale from last year.  Enjoy!

Previously on Dark Shadows:  The Comic Strip ....

Collinwood in the winter of 1968/69:  many beasties prowl the great estate.  The evil witch-vampire Cassandra, a parallel version of Angelique, has been banished back to her own dimension ... but for how long?  Angelique's brother Aristede, a warlock once seduced by Nicholas Blair, is really just a walking skin suit for Count Petofi, known throughout all dimensions as "the Lord," even more powerful than Lucifer in hell.  To defeat him, Barnabas, Quentin, and Angelique used the I Ching to travel to 1897, where they found that Petofi had hitched his wagon with the phoenix Laura Collins.  Meanwhile, Barnabas found himself distracted once again by another reincarnation of Josette, the Lady Kitty Hampshire, who vanished into Josette's portrait, seemingly at the bidding of Angelique.  And Quentin, fresh from a century spent in hell, has returned with news that there is a demonic force that may be even scarier than Petofi ... something that calls itself "Gerard Stiles."  During an epic battle with Laura, emboldened with Petofi's power, the great Phoenix of the Ages aims her fire at Barnabas ... who vanishes!

(Here's a tip ... if you want to enjoy the color Sunday strips, open them in a new tab and then blow them up so you can read them nicely and clearly.)

Before the season premiere, here is the last week of strips from Season 6 ...

And now ... the Season 7 premiere!

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