Sunday, March 8, 2020

1971: Episode #1268 ... Season Finale!

Previously on Dark Shadows:  Tom Jennings has returned from the dead, and Julia is using him to make her a full vampire!  Maggie burned up Nicholas Blair and now her eyes are all black just like Willow's on Buffy!  Everyone's fighting and Bathia Mapes is back except she looks just like Marie Wallace and, oooooh, what does she want?  And will everyone be okay?  (Spoiler alert: probably not.)  Enjoy the season 2 finale of this continuation of the original series, 1971.

(Hint:  for maximum enjoyability, right click on each image so they open to their fullest!)

Now ... you must promise not to be confused, lambykins ... next week I'll return with Season SEVEN of my long-running daily comic strip version of Dark Shadows that is similar but not identical to the original story (I've diverted in several intriguing ways; watch for a wedding at Collinwood ...).  That picks up with Barnabas lost in a foreign time while Angelique and Quentin face the fire of the phoenix in 1897, leaving everyone else to face a mysterious ghost in 1969.  (Also, whatever happened to Victoria Winters?  Doesn't anyone remember her?)  At any rate, stay tuned, kiddies ... the Dark Shadows Comic Strip will return next Sunday, then run every day through the summer!  Thanks for reading!

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