Sunday, January 5, 2020

1971 ... Continued!

So I have two different comic book-ish adaptations of Dark Shadows running concurrently.

Sigh.  Because of course I do.

Hey, I have to get my entertainment somewhere, right, and if no one else is going to make the DS comic adaptation I want, hell, I'll do it myself!  (I also have House and Night of Dark Shadows on the back burner.)

Here, then, are the next few issues of what I'll be calling "1971", a direct continuation of the Dark Shadows storyline as you saw it on ABC-TV.  Or PBS.  Or The Scifi Channel.  Or ... well, you get the point.  

Click here for the last issue so you can catch up.  (You can also click on the "comic book" link under "labels" to your immediate right.) 

Previously, on Dark Shadows:  Quentin's new bride, Tracy Collins, was mysteriously murdered, just as everyone anticipated she would be, including Quentin himself.  But who is her murderer?  And what dark schemes have Beth Maples and Dr. Jared Strangeworth concocted?

(Right click each image to open into a new tab for maximum enjoyment!)


  1. Great stuff as always, Laramie! I completed an adaption of Marilyn Ross' The Mummy's Curse you might like:

  2. Thanks! I actually read it on that DS facebook page ... VERY VERY COOL!!!!!
