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Monday, September 30, 2019

1967: The Seance!

Well, the third one.  Or fourth.  I kinda lost count after awhile.  The one with Phyllis Wicke.  Probably the first one of those.



Saturday, September 28, 2019

1968: Angelique vs. Vicki

Spoiler alert:  Angelique is gonna win.

Dark Shadows 2012 Fan Art

I rather love this.  Dark Shadows: The Animated Series.  I'd watch it.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

1795: Pensive Barnabas is Pensive

The Blair Twins

Or maybe they're unrelated demi-ghouls from a demonic dimension of untold torture and monstrous appetites who just happen to share the same hair color ... who's to say?