Monday, August 5, 2019

The Compleat Wardrobe of Angelique Collins (et al): 1970 Parallel Time (Alexis AND Angelique!)

Two for the price of one! 

Continuing our celebration of the wardrobe of Angelique Collins, past, present, parallel, and future! 

(We'll include Alexis as well, because she might as well be Angelique.  And is Parallel Time even real?  A discussion for another time ...)

The arrival of Alexis Stokes at a time when the rest of the cast runs off to Tarrytown to make a movie.  Like Angelique Rumson before her, she's got a thing for pink, it seems, which I continue to argue looks terrible on her.  And that scarf is awful. 

It must be a sisterly thing, because she immediately jumps into Angelique's fluffy pink nightgown thingie.

A much more Mrs. Rumson-esque dress; dig the little belt!  I think my grandparents had a lamp with a chain like that.

And with one of Angelique Rumson's actual coats!

A pantsuit!  A first for a Lara Parker character!

Alexis is fond of patterned scarves.


Alexis is as fond of armless, turtlenecked minis as her real time counterpart.  Even though it makes her look like an orange creamsicle, I like it.

A less scandalous nightgown that her sister affected.

The creamsicle dress with the severe gray coat.

Which brings us the one and only herself, wearing the blue dress and gloves made famous in photos such as these ...

As soon as she's able, Angelique, returned from the dead, dons the witchiest caftan she owns, far more appropriate for spellcasting than her real world counterpart, Cassandra, who indulged in purple butterflies.

She's also pretty good at wearing turtlenecked minis and yelling at the help.

Yellow, a color no other Angelique has ever indulged in (though some of those Cassandra-era green minis came close).

Another blue mini that Angelique Rumson might have indulged in.

The most exciting of all the Angelique dresses, this one is up there with the aforementioned butterfly caftan.

You'd think Barnabas would be able to tell that she's the real Angelique, especially with that eeeeeeeevil red mini.


This coat does not lessen the lunacy of that dress.

Severe in brown.

She always looks magical in blue.

An astonishing shade of blue.

Playing the role of Rebecca, never actually seen in the DuMaurier novel.

A crimson dressing gown that she may have borrowed from Elizabeth Collins Stoddard ...

A nightgown she borrowed from Julia Hoffman ...

(...and not for the first time, as we shall see ...)

Severe, mistress of the manor garb.

Continuing to not look at all like Alexis.

Angelique's taste in nightgowns is fairly negligible, though Cassandra probably approves.

Another charming pantsuit demonstrating that the 60s were dead, long live the 1970s!

I don't really have words for this.  Hamburglar, maybe?

And finally, Angelique's death dress ...

...which should look familiar, once again ...

...because she stole it from Julia ... again!

UP NEXT:  The mysteries of 1840 ... and 1692!

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