Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Compleat Wardrobe of Angelique Collins (et al): 2004

Continuing our examination of the fits and fashions of Angelique Collins, etc., in all her forms and manifestations:  looking now at, perhaps, our saddest entry ... the 2004 pilot for Dark Shadows that never amounted to much, except for some photos, screenshots, and the actual pilot itself, which drifts around the internet and emerges every once and awhile to cause DS fans to argue anew about its worth.  (We'll talk more about the propensity of DS fans arguing about worthiness upon our next entry.)

Anyway, here she is, as interpreted this time by Ivana Miličević, fresh off Buffy the Vampire Slayer and her performance of Sam, Riley's much-maligned wife (though I always kinda liked her).

She only gets the one outfit, a flowy satiny red number, complete with some wrist ornamentation.  And bangles.  Like so:

It was rather hilarious at the time how concerned DS fans were with the fact that, in this iteration, Vicki, portrayed by Marley Shelton, was blonde, and Angelique was brunette.  They were really broken up about it.

Here's the above shot in color from Kathryn Leigh Scott's 2012 Return to Collinwood:

She also had a less attractive iteration ...

Black eyes, also a la Buffy, were very popular with witches circa 2004.

Here are some screen captures from the pilot when it circulated in 2017:

Note the spiral earring that shows up in the picture a few above this one, after Angelique appears to have gone through Vicki's windshield.  (If you haven't seen it yet, a lot happens in just under an hour.)

Magical wrists accoutrement.

Lookin good, gurrr.

UP NEXT:  Angelique Bouchard, Fish Monger!

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