Monday, August 19, 2019

The Compleat Wardrobe of Angelique Collins (et al): 1991 and 1790

Continuing our exploration of the fits and fashions of Angelique ... no last name given.  But we can probably assume it's Bouchard, though it may actually be DuVal, or maybe DuBois, or Rumson even!  But not Collins ... cuz the Barnabas of the 1991 revival series never actually married her, mostly because stuff happened so damned fast.  But here she is, Angelique the witch, in her 1991 incarnation (where she mostly floats) and in her 1790 glory!

She first appears, emerging from Barnabas' fireplace (Danny Horn of Dark Shadows Everyday refers to her as a pteranodon, which I think is hilarious) and screaming alot.

In her painting she's mostly hair.  I miss Angelique's ringlets.  She was always known for her ringlets.

Here's another view of her pretty nondescript ghost dress, which reminds me very much of her 60's incarnation's vampire dress.

When we first meet her in the 1790s flesh, she's rocking a hot pink number with lots of black.  Tres sexy.  And with ringlets!

Almost immediately she ditches the hot pink for a much plainer, but arguably sexier bustier.  It certainly grabs Barnabas' attention.

Sometimes she rocks a big, white mopcap.

It's easier to fit in and boss around the American help when you wear very basic brown and gray.

Or making your musical debut on Broadway.  Just kidding; she's only summoning all the powers of darkness at her command.

She also likes to wear it when possessing innocent doctors and mediums and appearing as their stolen reflections in a 20th century mirror.

Basic black is good for mourning and trying to seduce your ex-boyfriend.

Like so.

A fairly shapeless nightgown ...

...good for an attempted stabbing ...

...less fun to be stabbed in.

Death, however, gives her a classy little lift, at least for appearing in court (with a shawl?!?) ...

...and the ringlets I missed so badly.

Unfortunately, the 1991 revival was only offered a single season, so we were denied Angelique in the 20th century, though here's a little glimpse of what we might have had, courtesy of the now defunct Innovation comics ...

Cassandra?  Laura?  The Phoenix?  Sigh.  We'll never know.

UP NEXT:  Dark Shadows of Beautiful People!