Monday, August 12, 2019

The Compleat Wardrobe of Angelique Collins (et al): Night of Dark Shadows!

Continuing our examination of the great fashionista, Angelique (et al) Collins (et al), we will now look at Night of Dark Shadows, which offers ... one, um, dress.  Nightgown.  Ghost Greek thingie.  (There is a dress from a deleted scene we'll examine too, but I'm afraid NODS isn't giving us much to work with.)

The portrait of Angelique Collins who died in eighteen hundred and ten.  This is the dress she wears in the deleted scene ...

... with Quentin at the piano.

She has a hanging dress I almost overlooked ...

And then ... it's the white diaphanous ghost Grecian dress pretty much all the rest of the time.

Made famous in posters and video covers.

Super cleavage-y.

One of my favorite shots from The Dark Shadows Companion.

And at the film's (slightly nonsensical) finale, here's Angelique (in the flesh, I guess?), super satisfied with her end game, which was ... to ... fill Quentin up with Charles, kill Tracy, and then ... um ... live ... er ... happily ... ever ... after?

NEXT UP:  1991!  1790!

1 comment:

  1. She was a beautiful. and talented actress.I grew up watching Dark Shadows and still at 64 love watching it.
