Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Compleat Wardrobe of Angelique Collins (et al): 1840 AND 1692!

Continuing our examination of the fits and fashions of one (or more) Mrs. Angelique etc. etc. Collins etc. ... now in the guise of Valerie, Barnabas' wife in 1840, and with no knowledge of the future.  Also, we take a brief, single episode examination of her life as Miranda DuVal in 1692.

Ta DA!  It's Angelique, discovering that Barnabas isn't where she left him last, and once again, debuting in pink.  A disconcerting color choice ...

... the purple isn't especially flattering ...

... and the green collar doesn't especially go with the high pink neckline.

This blue dress is more like it.  But again with the green.  It also highly resembles ...

... the dress she wears in her single appearance as Miranda DuVal.

And pink again.

And that's it.

Pink.  To show how ... um ... soft and human she had become?

And then they shot her again and she died and that was the end of Angelique.

BUT ... she'll be back ...

UP NEXT:  Shenanigans in the Hudson River Valley!

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