Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Compleat Wardrobe of Angelique Collins (et al): 1970 (Mrs. Rumson-ing)

Continuing our examination of all the fits and fashions of Mrs. Angelique etc. Collins etc.  Following up on her performance as a purported heiress in 1897 with access to three frocks (not counting the brown nightmare she was wearing when Quentin and Evan pulled her from hell), Angelique is now Angelique Rumson, which allows her to explore the sordid world of early 1970s fashion.

She gets to wear fur coats now, so that's a start.

Like Cassandra before her, Angelique prefers armless minis, though she has mostly left lime-green behind, preferring, instead, a range of pastels, usually pink or blue.

Old habits die hard.

Black, as Nicholas Blair will point out later, suits her well (heh) ...

...offering her a clean, chic silhouette, perfect for dealing with her former sister-in-law that she once spent an entire year torturing.

I can't quite get behind this one.  She wears pink a few more times, but I'm not feeling it.  Who does she think she is, Jeannie Nelson?

Maybe it's this overly complicated hairstyle that I don't quite understand.

A slightly different variation of the blue minis she prefers; also, even though she isn't anything near a vampire victim, Mrs. Rumson prefers lots and lots of scarves.

Basic black and slightly shiny:  excellent apparel for reconnecting with former employers, especially if those employers happen to hail from hell.

Also good for getting burned alive in.

My favorite of all her ensembles:  the leopard coat ...

... and the blue power suit beneath it.

The leopard print coat is back a few episodes later, over ...

...a slightly more acceptable pink mini and very printed print scarf.

She inexplicably dons a completely different coat over the same outfit a few moments later while cursing Jeb Hawkes.  Alexis Stokes will borrow it during Parallel Time.

The same blue-green mini from the episode where Sky tries to torch her, minus the scarf, now with a fierce broach.  Good for telling off same husband.

Also looks good when materializing out of a darkened corner in a burst of green witchlight.

Regular time Angelique's final contemporary (that is, 1970) outfit:  another armless mini, but chic and black.

And a classy hairstyle to boot, in her final scene with regular time Barnabas and Quentin.

Less episodes during this time period than she was offered in 1897, but with more than twice the outfits! 

Up next:  Parallel Time!

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