Sunday, March 24, 2019

Dark Shadows Comic Strip Season 6 Premiere!

Somehow I've been making and publishing my own adaptation of Dark Shadows via the medium of comic stripness for a year longer than the actual show was televised.  But I'm having a great time!  I've also strayed fairly far from the continuity as we know it; that's okay (I promise) ... the characters as I present them and move them around in a variety of story arcs are pretty much as they appeared on ABC-TV back in the (fifty-plus years ago) day.

If you want to catch up, you can click on the "comic strip" link; to facilitate your understanding more immediately than that, here's a wee summary and the season finale from last year.  Enjoy!

Collinwood in the year 1968 has been beset by a variety of monsters:  Cassandra Collins, witch from another world, has been transported from a parallel dimension and transformed into a vicious vampire by Barnabas Collins; Chris Jennings has suddenly become a werewolf out of the blue, and though his new boyfriend, Joe Haskell, is absolutely fine with it, Joe has become Cassandra's victim and lingers near death; Quentin and Angelique have learned that "the Lord," a mythical force of magical darkness rumored to be stronger even than the Devil, is Count Andreas Petofi ... and that he has taken possession of Angelique's beloved brother Aristede ...

(Here's a tip ... if you want to enjoy the color Sunday strips, open them in a new tab and then blow them up so you can read them nicely and clearly.)

And now ... the Season 6 premiere ....

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