Thursday, January 24, 2019

Photo Shoot Series: Barnabas (1795) at the Old House

A shoot from late 1969 (I think) at the Spratt Mansion in Tarrytown (actually within walking distance from Lyndhurst, the site of House and Night of Dark Shadows), where Jonathan Frid gussied up in his best 1795/6/7 Barnabas drag to do a photo session at the actual Old House.



  1. It's such a shame, and a great lost to history that somebody saw fit to torch that house! It couldn't have happened all the long after this photo-shoot.

  2. That's what I was thinking. I love these photos (mostly because some of them were printed in the DS Companion from KLS, one of my first big windows into Dark Shadows when I was a kid and hungry for anything related to the show) ... they add a bit of verisimilitude, especially the snow!
