Thursday, January 31, 2019

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

1968: Cassandra Loves Roger

Or her hair.  She might love her hair more.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Dark Shadows 1971: Season Finale (#1258)

 Those ten weeks sure sped by quickly!  I feel like I just started posting my comic book continuation of the "official" Dark Shadows storyline (which I will henceforth refer to as "1971"), and here we are, at the season finale!  Don't despair though, friends -- my other Dark Shadows comic adaptation will return this spring for daily strips and Sunday color features, just as it has the past five (!) years.  (If you're interested in catching up on that story, click on "comic strip" over there to the right.)  I realize that posting two similarly constructed Dark Shadows-related stories with varying continuities may be, aherm, a trifle confusing, but I trust you guys to figure it out -- you're Dark Shadows fans, after all!  (And maybe, if I can get my act in gear, I'll finally finishing my House and Night of Dark Shadows comic adaptations I've been working on since 2014 ... sigh ...)

Previously, on Dark Shadows:  Quentin's new bride, Tracy Collins, was mysteriously murdered, just as everyone anticipated she would be, including Quentin himself.  But who is her murderer?  And what dark schemes have Beth Maples and Dr. Jared Strangeworth concocted?

(Right click to open into a new tab for maximum enjoyment!)

Friday, January 25, 2019

Night of Dark Shadows: Lara, Posing

I've been referring to this as Lara's leopard dress, but upon closer examination I've decided that it's actually serpent-print!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Photo Shoot Series: Barnabas (1795) at the Old House

A shoot from late 1969 (I think) at the Spratt Mansion in Tarrytown (actually within walking distance from Lyndhurst, the site of House and Night of Dark Shadows), where Jonathan Frid gussied up in his best 1795/6/7 Barnabas drag to do a photo session at the actual Old House.


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sexy Selby: The Girl in Blue

I don't care about girls in any shade of blue; give me more shirtless Selby!!!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Filming House of Dark Shadows

Louis holding forth.

Dark Shadows Episode #1257

Approaching the season finale of Dark Shadows 1971!  Previously on Dark Shadows:  Quentin's curious bride Tracy Collins has only just begun to learn the deadly secrets that plague her new family.  Will she survive them?  And who is the ghost of the old woman who warned her away from Barnabas and Angelique?

(Hint:  for maximum enjoyment, right click and open each image in a separate window!)

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Photo Shoot Series: Angelique of 1795

One of my favorite shoots featuring my favorite character in probably the outfit/hairstyle that I love the most: the Angelique of 1795.  Other people thought so, obviously; see the Angelique doll photo at the end of this post.