Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Kaiju of Dark Shadows

To borrow a term from Danny Horn, who writes for my favorite blog, Dark Shadows Every Day (go there; go there now) here are three of the four major kaiju of Dark Shadows:  Barnabas, Angelique, and Quentin (Julia Hoffman/almost-any-incarnation-of-Grayson-Hall is the fourth).  "Kaiju" (Japanese for "strange beast") like Godzilla stomp through old horror movies and you are utterly unable to not watch.  Witness any episode that contains at least two of the four major arcana.

I've been steadily watching (almost, I swear) every episode since last summer; I just hit 800 today, and I was very struck by the following scene from #796, the one where Julianka (LOVE HER) bites it;before that happens, however, we have this lovely Barnabas-Quentin-Angelique moment ... in near darkness.  Why?  Who cares!  Viva the Dark Shadows kaiju. 

This shot. This one right here.

And then Angelique disappears, back to where Angeliques go when they leave Dark Shadows for several months in a row.

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