Monday, June 25, 2018

Dark Shadows 1991: Coming Attractions

I know it gets a bad rep, but I have a very special place in my heart for the 1991 Dark Shadows revival.  I was freshly 12 when it debuted on NBC on a frigid night in January, greenlit, I've know doubt, by the success of Twin Peaks the year before.  It has so many flaws -- Danny Horn at Dark Shadows Everyday outlines them very successfully -- but I enjoy revisiting it occasionally.  I recently discovered the above video on youtube -- uploaded by Maljardin, a reference to Strange Paradise, a Canadian DS knock-off that I've never been able to sit through, though episodes are available on youtube -- and it took me right back to the early 1990s.  Listen to that announcer; man, is he into it!  ("Barnabas turned his beautiful cousin into ... a vampire!"  GASP!  He didn't, but let's not split hairs.)

At any rate, enjoy the Dark Shadows revival coming attractions compilation!

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