Friday, February 16, 2018

1991: The Phoenix Rises

Oh man.  This one crushes me.  So in the 1990s, after the 1991 series went off the air, Innovation continued the series as a comic book for several issues, but ended one chapter into a new story that hinted at the return of Angelique ... or Laura Collins.  The writers had discussed that Angelique might have been Laura all along, and it seems, as this never-used cover art for a phoenix-centric arc indicates, that's the direction the comic would have gone.  And as you know, I'm a huuuuuge Cassandra fan, so to see Lysette Anthony all gussied up in Cassandra drag tears at my heart.  Sigh ... what might have been.  (But what the hell is up with that dress?!?  Dare I ask how it stays attached?)

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