Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy 6th Annivesary, Shadows on the Wall!

Let's celebrate the 6th anniversary of Shadows on the Wall with the introductions and first appearances of our favorite characters!

"My name is Victoria Winters ..."

"Because I choose to do so!"

"A watched pot never boils ... to coin a phrase."

"Welcome to the beginning and the end of the world."

"And they're kooks!"

"I get so tired of being a Collins of Collinsport."

"I hate you!"

"The Phoenix fans the flames with its wings ..."

"I'd kill myself."

"Don't come near me!"

"Oh, and madam ... you may tell her it's ... Barnabas Collins ..."

 "In this case it is the truth alone that concerns me, and nothing else!"


"I have a cat complex."

"I'm Nicholas Blair ... Cassandra's brother!"

"Something weird is going on ..."

"I swear ... I'll kill you!"

"Why didn't you come before?"

"Of course a woman is going to kill me.  I wouldn't have it any other way!"

"When she dances, it is the dance of death!"

 "Hey, this is going to be a pretty exciting place!"

"Don't ever say no to me!"

"In darkness he did live and die."

"I'll go, but I'm not going to let you destroy Tad and Carrie to bring back David and Hallie."

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