Sunday, March 26, 2017

2004 Pilot on Youtube

Enjoy it for as long as it lasts!  Follow this link to enjoy.

UPDATE:  It's been taken down.  


  1. I didn't realize they made another run at it. Thanks for posting this. It was bad, really bad. Terrible acting but I did appreciate that they used the same house as the 1991 version(my favorite).

  2. Well, I've been waiting to see this for 12 years! My wife and I watched it today, and thought it was awesome!

    Sure, it could have used a little tweaking, and went a little too fast, but it had a lot of promise!

    Thanks for posting the link!

  3. It's finally been pulled from Youtube due to a copyright by MPI. Since they are the ones that released all the original series and '91 series, maybe this means this pilot will finally get a commercial release. Hopefully they'll include the restored version of Night of Dark Shadows.
