Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Great Estate of Collinwood(s)

Part of the charm of Dark Shadows for me, and, I suspect, for many fans, are the fabulous buildings used by the show for the big, dark houses that populated the town of Collinsport, past, present, and parallel.  One of the reasons I wanted so badly to attend the 50th Anniversary Dark Shadows Festival after a twelve year drought was to visit the Lyndhurst estate; I'd been in 1997 and again in 2004, and I fell in love.  As a bonus, my friends and I braved the woods and its army of stinging nettles to find the remains of the Spratt Mansion, which was used on the show as the exteriors for the Old House.  So, having also tripped up to Rhode Island in 1999 to visit Seaview Terrace, I can now say that I've been present at all the Collinwood mansions used in conjunction with the original series!  (Maybe next year we'll visit Greystone in Beverly Hills!)

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