Friday, July 22, 2016

Dark Shadows Script for Episode #1131

While attending the Dark Shadows 50th anniversary festival, I picked up two of the shooting scripts that were on sale near the registration table.  I was happy to grab this, the script for episode #1131, where Angelique returns to Collinwood, torments Daniel Collins with the ghost of his murdered wife Harriet, then stomps over to the Old House to harass Julia and battle with Barnabas.  Of special interest is the fact that, as The Dark Shadows Almanac pointed out, Angelique's nom de guerre for this go around was originally "Natasha" instead of Valerie (changed because of unfortunate associations with Moose and Squirrel?).  You can see that the name "Natasha" was meticulously scratched out, though it's interesting to see that occasionally, even though the character is stilled called Natasha, characters will refer to her as Valerie.








Continuity nerd alert:  fortunately, Angelique/Natasha/Valerie's line about Barnabas and Ben Stokes attempting to destroy her in the tower room was stricken from the script.  That Angelique came directly from 1968 and would have remembered Julia.





bum Bum BUM ...

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