Monday, July 11, 2016

Dark Shadows Comic Book from Gold Key: Issue 22 (The Pod People Take Collinsport!)

 Issue 22 of Gold Key's Dark Shadows series, published in 1972, more than a year after the actual television show ceased to be, is, hilariously, one of the most imaginative ... and the weirdest, right up there with Marilyn Ross's Barnabas, Quentin, and the Body Snatchers.  Because, lo and behold, that's what you're getting here ... a Collinsport riff on Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  Witness Pod Person Julia bursting forth from her cocoon to throttle Quentin as Gold Key Barnabas runs in (Gold Key Barnabas is always running). Would the television series have made it there eventually, as Dan Curtis and Sam Hall, et al, flipped through their Rolodex of Horror?   

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  1. You have such a great blog! It would be wonderful if you added a "sign up for new posts via email" option!
