Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sunday Comics

KLS published these in her 1996 Dark Shadows Comic Strip Book, but they were in black and white, which is really too bad, and the reprint book from Hermes Press seems to be dead in the water.  Check out the colors (the colors!), the glorious early-70's colors, especially on Carolyn's mini.  I've always enjoyed that the werewolf looks like the werewolf from the series; artist Ken Bald created amazing likenesses of Jonathan Frid, and the only other characters to appear from the show were Carolyn, Elizabeth, Angelique and (in one of the first strips, and only in a portrait on the wall) Quentin.  Plus:  how cool is Mr. Sinestra?  Mr. Sinestra needs to reappear somewhere.  Maybe when Shadows on the Wall returns.

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