Monday, January 12, 2015

Mrs. Rumson

It takes a very lot to be Angelique (or Miranda) (or Valerie) (or Cassandra) -- love potions, voodoo dolls, the endless pins ... anything it took to find love, or the semblance of same.  Or vengeance.  Or a new wardrobe.  But just when it seemed as if she'd hung up her broom, gone the route of sister witch Samantha Stephens and married a man who loved her just for her, Our Favorite Witch finally plugged back in to the Powers of Darkness and became interesting again. 

And she never stopped looking fabulous while she did it.

Our tribute, then, to Mrs. Angelique Rumson, the merry widow of Little Windward Island.

"How charming you look, Angelique.  Black suits you well."

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