Monday, December 15, 2014

Some of My Favorite Moments from Dark Shadows

Oh, just because.  And in no particular order.

The return of Nicholas Blair!   "...and I am here to save the Leviathans!"  But not really.

Angelique Bouchard Collins Collins DuVal DuBois Rumson.  "Black suits you well."

Everything about the Mag-ette storyline.  So creepy/psychotic/gothic.

The opening of 1897.  Pretty much any scene with Grayson-as-Magda.  "Every night I wondered if I would live ...!"

Any time this happens.  Don Briscoe is the god of shirtless hot dudes on DS.

Erica Fitz as the supremely creepy, diabolical embodiment-of-all-that-is-18th-century-female evil, Danielle Roget/Leona Eltridge.  I love me some Marie Wallace, don't you worry, but I wish they'd brought Ms. Fitz back once or twice more.

Barnabas fangs his first hooker.  R.I.P. Ruby Tate, we hardly knew ye.

Angelique's house of cards firepalooza.  Not sure how much sense it makes, but she looks damned good doing it.

The very unsettling ghost of Joanna Mills, a good 10 years before Alma Mobley tried the same trick in the film adaptation of Peter Straub's Ghost Story. Why didn't this ever make the Scariest Moments VHS MPI put out like a bajillion years ago?

The sexy ghost of Nathan Forbes.  Okay, anything with Nathan Forbes.  (See below.)

And one more of Angelique, because I love her and it's been awhile.

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