Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dark Shadows Comic Strip: Season 1

When I was conceiving this idea last summer -- after perusing the 1996 Pomegranate Press collection of Bruce Bald's early 1970s newspaper strips -- to do my own daily Dark Shadows comic, with a full-page addition on Sundays and three panels for the other six, my idea was that each week's collection of strips would be related and would, ultimately, add up to a full "episode."  I recently finished posting the first season last weekend, leading up to Vicki's pilgrimage to the 18th century; regular readers, have no fear:  the second season will return in the late spring of 2015.  Until then, I thought I would post one full episode's collection of strips for the next thirteen weeks, for those of you that want to more easily catch up on the story so far.  Also, those fans of our ongoing serial Shadows on the Wall, those chapters will return soon, continuing our exploration of the 1840 storyline.


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