Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy (early) birthday, Dark Shadows!

I'll be out of town tomorrow, Dark Shadows' actual big day, so I'll offer my felicitations a day early.  The show turns 48 today, and I am waiting with more-or-less baited breath to see what the Powers That Be who drive the DS engine will be releasing, merchandise-wise of course, to celebrate the 50th anniversary in two years.  I've been saying for years that KLS' Pomegranate Press should update the old DS Concordances; I love 'em, don't get me wrong (and RIP Warren Oddsson), but how awesome would it be to have professionally published episode guides with screengrabs, previously unreleased photos, trivia, etc?  I finally got my paws on a reasonably priced copy of Dark Shadows:  The First Year earlier this year (which, if you try to find it on Amazon, you'll see usually runs upwards of $400 or more); it would be amazing to have books for each storyline published with that kind of quality.  

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