Wednesday, May 7, 2014

More Selby

David Selby goodness.  I spoke with him once on the phone out of the blue; I was a grad student working on my PhD at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, David's alma mater and we were trying to gather up famous alum to come and speak at a 40th anniversary theatre department gala thingie.  I happened to be by the phone when Selby called to say he wouldn't be able to make it after all.  I TOTALLY kept it together, but I might have squealed a bit after I hung up.  I also managed to to say nothing about Dark Shadows, nor did I mention that we had actually met before (a few times) at various DS conventions.  Because I keep my inner geek on a short leash (said the guy who runs a DS fanzine blog).

Anyway:  David Selby, ladies and gentlemen!

This is my favorite.  How fribbin creepy is that?!?  Thanks, spooky teen rags of the 1960s.

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