Sunday, September 15, 2013

Shadows on the Wall Chapter 79

Chapter 79 - Of Ancient Race by Birth

by TSB
Opening Voiceover (Grayson Hall):  "On this night, when it seems the world is

about to end and a long awaited birth signals not the salvation, but the

destruction of the world as we have come to know it, another being, seeking

power, reaches into a box and finds something more malevolent and sinister

than the Cracker Jack prize."

Quentin's arrival, the amulet at his neck glowing red and hot, coincided with
the contraction that spurred Vicki to expel the being from her body. Pain
coiled around her abdomen, insinuated itself into her brain as well as her
belly, and consumed her body as her shriek filled the night, competing with
the cacophony of heaving cliffs and tidal swells. White hair whipped about by
the wind, Vicki bore down and pushed the creature from her body in less time
than it took for a lightening bolt to strike. It slithered from between her
parted legs to rest on the ground, gathering strength and form from its
mother's blood. Quentin stared, unable to see exactly what had been born in
the tempest surrounding them. He took a step forward, unaware the amulet he
wore was beginning to cool, leaving no mark on his skin. He wanted to see the
child - the being - to which Vicki had given birth.

One step closer to Vicki and Quentin was forced back by a wave of evil
surrounded by power. The blood red moon glowed brighter, casting a hellish
light on the... thing... writhing at Vicki's feet, seemingly feeding from the
primordial discharge that followed its birth. Quentin blinked and in that
fraction of a second, he saw - or thought he saw - unbelievably rapid growth.
In the span of a single breath, the creature at Vicki's feet grew, changed
form, took on the appearance of a full grown man.

"No!" Quentin gasped and took a step backward. He watched in disbelief as the
man-thing rose to his feet and faced him. He was tall, well muscled, with blue
eyes and the same white mane as his mother's. His penetrating gaze took in his
surroundings and he smiled. That smile contained such evil satisfaction that
Quentin shivered and swallowed hard.

Raising his head, pleased with the potential of what he saw, the newly born
Leviathan leader glared at the tall, dark haired man who stood near by. "I am
Jebez Hawkes." He said no more, believing no more need be said.

A moan from Vicki, who was barely conscious, distracted Jebez. He took his
gaze from Quentin to look at the woman who had given him life. "Mother..."
Reaching out, Jebez lovingly drew Vicki into his arms, cradling her as one
would a newborn infant. He settled her head on his thigh and tenderly stroked
her brow, easing the hair away from her face so he could see what his mother
looked like. "Mother..."

Vicki's moan spurred Quentin to action. He didn't much care who or what this
Jebez was at the moment, his concern was Vicki. He took one, then two steps
toward her before Jebez looked up. "NO!"

Quentin felt as if he had been caught in the aftershock of a bomb explosion. A
great burst of power emanated from Jebez, knocking him back, away from Vicki,
and to the ground. Quentin landed hard and shook his head to clear it.
Levering himself up on an elbow, he looked toward the edge of the cliff in
time to see Jebez vanish from beside Vicki.

"Vicki..." Quentin struggled to his feet, and was grateful for the assisting
hand of Barnabas as he, Julia and Eliot arrived. Julia was already hurrying to
where Vicki lay, kneeling to check her over. Julia gave Eliot a worried look
when Quentin stumbled to her side. "Julia, how is she?"


Julia exchanged a quick glance with Barnabas, then looked back to Quentin as
she held Vicki's wrist, checking her pulse. "She needs to be in bed."

Quentin nodded, stepped in and lifted Vicki into his arms. He started down the
path with her, Julia following. The physician paused when she felt a hand on
her arm and looked into Barnabas' troubled gaze. "Julia..."
Hoffman shook her head. "I don't know, Barnabas, I won't know anything more
until I examine her, and I can't do it out here. She has given birth, but
there were no signs of the... newborn anywhere near her. After the
examination, I'll sedate her and when she wakes..." Julia again shook her
head, allowing her thoughts to trail off. She knew no more of what to expect
when Vicki woke than Barnabas did.


Grinning widely, hand clasped with Maggie's, Nicholas Blair reveled in the
dark energy that was surrounding the area and growing this night. It
encompassed all of Collinsport and he knew this was his one opportunity, his and Maggie's, to
make it work to his advantage. Everything was set, he was prepared and all he
needed was for the energy to build to a level at which it would be useful,
beneficial to him.

"Nicholas, I feel it, building, becoming more powerful, surging toward us."
Maggie's eyes were wide and black. Between them, they would be able to do
this, Maggie was certain of it. "Nicholaaaaassss."

"Yes, Maggie, I feel it too. The power, the energy, it is ours to command, to
use as we must." Blair closed his eyes, threw his head back and began to
recite in an ancient language the ritual chants that would conjure the
powerful Mask of Ba'al. He heard Maggie adding to the chant, point and
counterpoint, priest and answering congregation in a litany of power and evil.

"Reveal to us the Mask of Ba'al. Show us where it may be found!" Blair's head
snapped forward as his eyes shot open. He stared into Maggie's wide, black
eyes and began to chuckle with delighted satisfaction. Close, it was so close.
The mask would be in his possession in a matter of hours, minutes. "The Mask
of Ba'al is ours."

 "I saw it, Nicholas, in your eyes, I saw where the Mask is located," Maggie
whispered. Blair nodded as he took a deep breath. "As I saw it in your eyes,
Maggie. We shall possess the Mask before this night is over."


"Jebez has arrived." Roger felt his heart skip a beat with Amy's proclamation.
He looked up to meet the child's gaze, and followed her from his study to the
one room in the vast mansion that had been sanctified for his occupancy and
altered to meet his special and unique needs. Roger swallowed hard as Amy
knocked on the door, then led him into the room.


Roger stepped into the room behind Amy and immediately his hand snaked out to
cover the child's eyes. Paternal instinct kicked in and he turned Amy around
and ushered her from the room, away from the unclothed man who was inspecting
his surroundings with what seemed to be confusion and bewilderment. Collins
closed the door then removed his hand from Amy's eyes.

"Why did you do that? I want to meet him too," Amy demanded. Roger silently
sighed in relief. That meant Amy hadn't seen him before a moment ago, hadn't
understood what little she had seen.

"You will, Amy, just as soon as I make certain he is ready to meet you. Why
don't you go down to the kitchen and bring him something to eat. I'm sure he
must be hungry." Roger mentally crossed his fingers that Amy wouldn't notice
he hadn't explained his reasons for ushering her from the room so quickly. She
might be a loyal Leviathan follower, but there were some things a child her
age should just not see.

"All right." Amy turned and headed down toward the kitchen. Roger glanced over
his shoulder, then hurried to his own room. He was back in a matter of
minutes, well before Amy could return, carrying a pile of clothing. He knocked
on the door and when he did not receive an answer, he carefully opened the
door and stepped inside. Collins lowered his eyes as he spoke. "I am here to

 Jebez turned to face the tall blond man, a look of terror in his eyes. Roger
dropped the clothing, all but a bathrobe, on the floor and crossed to his
leader. "What is it? Tell me," he pleaded as he helped Jebez into the robe and
tied the sash closed at the waist.

"It is all so... different, so changed, none of it makes sense. This world has
no order. I remember... but no, I cannot recall, it is too distant, too
faded... The pieces do not make a whole... No! Nooo!" Jebez closed his eyes
and threw his arms up to cover his head, his face. "Dark, it is so dark. I
remember, the dark... and then... No! Stay away from me! You have no right,
you have no power against me. You... you will kneel down before me and obey my
commands... Why do you laugh... No! No, you can't! I will not allow it!"

Roger knelt, unsure if Jebez was speaking to him or not but thinking it best
to do as he commanded. It made no difference. Jebez was lost in vague,
disjointed memories, of another time, another life. "No! Nooo! No, please, I
don't want to die! You cannot kill me... You will pay for this, you will
regret... Death, it hurts, I cannot... No! No! Mother! Where is she? Mother...
Mama... she will protect me, take care of me. I'm so alone. Mama, where are
you? Mother.... I need you..."

A knock on the door drew Roger's attention away from Jebez. "May I come in?"
Amy inquired. Roger glanced at the door, back to Jebez, who seemed to be
calmer now, or at least more focused on something, then back to the door. He
rose from his knees and crossed the room to open the door. Amy stood on the
other side, carrying a tray, carefully balancing it so as not to spill the
full glass of milk onto the sandwich and chips on the plate. She looked up at
Roger, anticipation and excitement reflecting in her eyes.

"I made him peanut butter and jelly. I hope he likes it," Amy informed him as
she beamed with pride.

Roger smiled in spite of his worry. Children these days seemed to live on
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It would not have occurred to Amy to make
Jebez anything but the combination she considered a delicacy. He nodded as he
stepped aside to allow Amy into the room. "I'm sure he will, Amy."

Roger closed the door as Amy tentatively approached Jebez, whose eyes were
closed, his head bowed. He took a deep, sudden breath as his head shot up and
his eyes widened. "Danger... something near, something... working against me,
against all Leviathans. Dangerous, very dangerous!"

Amy dropped the tray she was carrying as her eyes widened in fright and she
raised her hands to her mouth to still a scream. Jebez was staring straight at
her but was not seeing her; he was looking through her. The terror she saw
reflected in his eyes was like nothing she could understand.


It had all been a dream, a nightmare.

The evil she'd felt earlier was a mistake.

Jebez, her son, was not here to destroy the world, but to help her save it.

She looked into her son's blue eyes, grateful for his love, for the care he

showed her. She reached out and took his hand.

They stood, mother and son, facing the evil that was threatening to take over

the world.

Their white hair streamed in the whirlwinds created by the clash of good and

evil, their bodies buffeted by forces more powerful, more determined than

either alone could withstand, but together... together they faced the evil,

they quelled the cataclysm that threatened to swallow the world.

Together they brought peace to the world.

The whirlwind stilled, the apocalyptic signs and warnings ceased.

The world became new and fresh again; peaceful as it had not been for


Jebez wrapped his arms around his mother and hugged her.

His laughter was music to her ears.

The world was at peace...

Slowly Vicki became aware of the sound of voices in hushed discussion. "We
must do something before this goes any further, Julia," Barnabas insisted as
they stood just outside the door to Vicki's room. His hand was on Julia's arm
but his gaze was locked on the woman in the bed as she stirred, shaking off
the effects of Julia's sedative.

Julia closed here eyes and pressed the heel of her hand against her eye
socket. She had seen patients with severe migraines make the same gesture in a
futile attempt to ease the pain, to dispel the pressure. Her effort was no
more successful at silencing the angry hissing in her head than her patients'
efforts had been at lessening the agony of a migraine. The Leviathans didn't
like this conversation.

Julia steeled herself against additional pain as she answered Barnabas. "I
agree, Barnabas, but I don't know what," she whispered.

 Collins' grip on her arm tightened and Julia looked up to meet his gaze. His
voice was deep with determined desperation. "We must destroy him, Julia. We
must find his weaknesses and destroy him for all time."

Vicki's eyes shot open and she looked at Barnabas. Before she could speak,
could tell him that was not going to happen, she was distracted by movement
next to her bed. "Vicki."

Quentin. He was beside her, he took her hand and held it gently. He looked a
little shell shocked and Vicki reached out to touch the amulet that still hung
from his neck. "How are you feeling?"

Vicki just shook her head against the pillow and glared at Barnabas and Julia
as they, alerted by Quentin's voice, entered the room. Julia crossed to the
bed and did a quick examination of her patient, then smiled as she patted
Vicki's hand. "You're doing just fine, Vicki. A little more rest and you'll be
back to..." Julia paused. She had been about to say back to normal but wasn't
sure what that was for Vicki any more, wasn't sure Vicki could even remember
it now. She smiled uneasily and continued, "Back to your usual self."

Vicki nodded and gave Julia a cold smile, but did not look at Barnabas for
fear of what she might be tempted to do to him. Julia glanced uneasily over
her shoulder at Barnabas, then turned, laid her hand on his arm and indicated
with a nod of her head they should leave. Vicki watched, her eyes growing dark
for a brief instant, until the door closed behind them and her attention was
drawn back to Quentin. She squeezed his hand. "How is he, Quentin?"

Collins shook his head. "I don't know Vicki, I only saw him for an instant,
but I do know he is powerful, very powerful."

For a brief instant, Vicki remembered her dream, remembered the peace she and
her son had brought to the world, but knew it had been nothing more than a
dream. She clearly recalled the malevolence and evil she'd sensed from the
being during the short time she'd incubated it within her body. She needed to
stop thinking of it - of Jebez - as her son. "How powerful, Quentin?"

Quentin shook his head again, and swallowed down the feelings of dread the
mere thought of Jebez created within him. "I don't know, Vicki, more powerful
than anything I've ever experienced before," he said quietly, not bothering to
try and disguise the quaver that came to his voice.

Vicki's eyes narrowed. "More powerful than I am?"

"I don't know, maybe... maybe. Vicki, even though I only saw him for a second,
I felt his power. There's something about him... some feeling I can't define
or name... Vicki, I think Jebez is not just a Leviathan, not just one of many.
I think he is the one and only, he is THE Leviathan. I know you overheard what
Barnabas said, and I have to agree with my cousin on this one. Jebez must be

Quentin swallowed hard, fear filling him when he saw the look of utter
betrayal his words caused to flash in Vicki's eyes.


"This ground was consecrated once, Nicholas," Maggie whispered as they made
their way along the overgrown and neglected path that lead to the Old Rectory
on the outskirts of Collinwood. She felt the discomfort and glanced at
Nicholas to see that he too was finding it difficult to tread on once holy
ground, but was doing his best to ignore it.

"I know, which makes this the perfect place. Only those who are destined to
have the Mask of Ba'al, those with the power to withstand the lingering
strength of the enemy's minions will be able to traverse the ground and claim
the prize," Blair replied. He reached for Maggie's hand as he pushed open the
door to the place clergy used to live. He could sense the power of the Mask,
and idly wondered if it had helped to drive the enemy's followers from this
place. He would not be at all surprised if it had.

Blair looked around the room, ignoring the discomfort the few remaining holy
symbols caused him. In the corner, clothed in cobwebs of long dis-use,
Nicholas saw what he sought. He laughed with ironic delight. How appropriate.

"Oh, Nicholas, it is marvelous, isn't it?" Maggie chuckled. Her gaze rested on
the long neglected altar, the candles and incense that had once burned there
long extinguished. Together they crossed to the small altar and moved it
aside. A trap door beneath where the altar had rested was revealed, a recessed
ring in the wooden floorboards providing a point of access.

Blair reached down, pulled up on the cast iron ring and smiled when the long
rusted hinges gave way, screeching their protest at revealing the secret
hidden within. Blair knelt and felt around in the small space of the profaned
reliquary. His gloved fingers encountered a box. Reaching in with the other
hand, he withdrew the box and examined it. Maggie followed as Nicholas carried
the box to the table and dusted it off.


She took a deep breath as their gazes met, anticipation and the desire for
ceaseless power reflected in their eyes. Maggie nodded and Nicholas opened the
box. Resting inside was a cloth covered object. Blair moved the cloth aside to
reveal the Mask of Ba'al; vaguely resembling a human's face, it was gold,
encrusted with dark gems, deep in color and reflecting the fires of Hell.

Blair lifted the Mask from its protective cushioning and raised it to the
light of the blood red moon as it shown through the stained glass windows of
the Old Rectory. A look of glee crossed Blair's face as he raised the Mask
toward his face, ready to don his prize.

 To Be Continued...

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