Saturday, September 21, 2013

1968: Professor Stokes vs. Angelique Collins

 Episode #508
Aired 6/5/68
Written by Sam Hall
Directed by Lela Swift

In a desperate attempt to end Cassandra's Dream Curse, Professor Stokes, seeking his own dragon a la St. George, attempts to insert himself into Carolyn Stoddard's dream.  Once in the Dream Chamber, he will confront the witch:  Angelique Collins.


ANGELIQUE:  Ben Stokes!

ANGELIQUE:  I should know you.
STOKES:  As I do know you.  You are Angelique Collins ... and I, Timothy Stokes.
ANGELIQUE:  You are Ben to me.

STOKES:  Ben was ignorant.  I am not.
ANGELIQUE:  I can make you as ignorant as he was!

STOKES:  I do not trust your eyes.

ANGELIQUE:  Why are you so interested in saving Barnabas Collins?
STOKES:  Shall I simply say I loathe injustice.  (Angelique laughs.)  That amuses you.  I suppose injustice does.
ANGELIQUE:  Do you know what he is?  Do you know everything he has done?

ANGELIQUE:  I do not believe that you are not Ben Stokes.  I could tell by your hand. I remember his well.  I told his future many times.

ANGELIQUE:  Go to the door.  You will have helped me, not stopped me.

STOKES:  Cassandra Collins!

ANGELIQUE:  I know no Cassandra Collins.
STOKES:  You are Cassandra Collins!

ANGELIQUE:  Your heart is beginning to beat faster ... and faster ...

ANGELIQUE:  You are mute!  You cannot speak!
STOKES:  Have you no new tricks, Cassandra?  You've grown very lazy!

STOKES:  Nothing will stop me, now that I know who you are ... and what you are.

ANGELIQUE:  You have not won, Ben Stokes.  You will never win.  (Fade out on Angelique's fiendish laughter ...)

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