Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Wit and Wisdom of Nicholas Blair

My favorite warlock and yours, I give you ... Mr. Nicholas Blair!  Enjoy a few bon mots, courtesy of Dark Shadows' naughtiest little devil.

"Such an interesting house.  Very European.  I think I can sense all the secrets that must be hiding here ..."

"A man of god indeed.  In your time you were the greatest of all possible fools, Mister Trask.  You were a blind, overzealous fanatic, a bigot and a fraud, intolerant, cruel and unjust.  A man after my own heart."

"My dear Cassandra, how commonplace you've become, like some suburban housewife with little human worries."

"I am much too talented to spend my time drugging drinks."

"The flames ... yellow and red.  The most attractive thing in the world.  It almost makes you feel at home."

"Yes, I suppose the hand of a skeleton does offer problems, doesn't it."

"Your appearance is my masterpiece!"

"Slaves are not supposed to ask questions."

"It is far better to be what you are than nothing at all."

"For someone as fundamentally evil as you are, it should be easy."

"What a shame it is you can't harm me ...even physically.  Do you envy me my powers, Mr. Collins?  If you had the chance, would you have them, or does that idea disgust you?"

"And I am her brother, therefore I am ... a warlock?"

"I am planning to marry her.  I would hardly call that diabolical."

"Let the legions of the damned salute you!"

"Let there be light ... for I am tired of eternal darkness."

"At the risk of sounding banal ... it's a small world, isn't it."

"She must destroyed ... with this!"

"And you must remember, Angelique:  I am always at my best when pressed."

"You're right back where you were two hundred years ago ... loving Barnabas Collins.  Nothing ever changes for you, does it, Angelique.  I can see I've touched you ... I can see that old familiar look of hatred i your eyes.  Well I certainly appreciate your condolences, my dear, but I am not finished yet.  So save your tears for someone who needs them far more than I."

"You will see your death in my eyes, Jeb ... your death, and Carolyn's too ... for I am not a man who forgives, Jeb."

"You are alone now, Sky ... all alone.  But I will help you.  You must revenge this.  Jeb Hawkes must die!"

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